Islamic Circle - the first organised dawah movement to be set up in Mauritius

Everyone has an exciting story to tell.

The story of Quran House is not only unique; but it is worth being told.

It all began in 1959…

At this very point in time, in view of (re)awakening the spark of Islam amongst the ummah in Mauritius, Professor Muhammad Hussain Malik (M.A) Pakistani-born dawah worker who was based in Kenya, initiated a movement to reform the Islamic thinking in the world, which was prevalent in the 1930s, by promoting an Islamic way of life.

Following the Islamic formation provided by Professor Malik, The Islamic Circle was created with the help of some young Mauritian contemporaries, including but not limited to Muhammad Hussain Dahal, Sheik Mustapha Beeharry, Haroon Rashid Sheikally, Hashim Burokur, Hassam Dahal, Adam Dahal, Haroon Nahaboo, Goolam Mungly and Jameel Ahmed. As they marched forth in their mission, they encountered many hurdles, oppositions and even betrayals along the way.

For instance, in 1964, when the movement was reaching new heights, Professor M.H. Malik was expelled from the country as a result of pressure from occult forces. However, he eventually returned to Mauritius in December 1983, dignified, as Guest Speaker to participate in a seminar entitled “Living Islam” to mark the Islamic Circle’s 25th year of existence. On that day, Professor M.H. Malik also laid the foundation stone of the Quran House complex.

Quran House – becomes the brand name of the “Islamic Circle”

Quran House was officially registered with the Registrar of Association in April 1975 under the name “Islamic Circle” as a charitable association with specific aims and objectives. In the early 1980s, the Association acquired two plots of land in Rose Hill, ideally located at Boundary Road, bordering the towns of Beau Bassin/Rose Hill and Quatre Bornes, to establish its permanent seat and carry out its activities. Quran House has ever since been actively involved inter alia in promoting education, alleviating poverty and spreading the message of Islam as a way of life for the Muslim community and society at large.

The construction of Quran House infrastructure, based on Egyptian architecture, started in late 1983 and was inaugurated on the 18th of March 1988. The infrastructure comprises the following:
1. Mosque with full space for ladies – “Sayyedah Khadeejah Mosque”;
2. Registered and accredited pre-primary school – “Iqra Junior School”;
3. Weekend Madrassah with modern syllabus – ”Iqra Weekend Madrassa”;
4. Gym – “Quran House Fitness Centre”;
5. Islamic Shop;
6. Multi-purpose hall;
7. Office spaces;
8. A training centre; and
9. Green areas.

Some important dates to remember

1960-1962: The Islamic Circle published two newspapers ‘Renaissance’ and ‘Le Minaret’ to spread the message of Tawheed, being the Unicity of Allah.

1964: The Islamic Circle successfully organised a national referendum to allow people of the Islamic faith to register themselves as Muslims, thus dissociating themselves from the general denomination of ‘Indo-Mauritian’ community and accordingly, guaranteeing the Muslim Community of being represented by eleven members in the National Assembly.

1965: Under the constant pressure and aggressive sensitisation campaigns made by the Islamic Circle, Hon. A. R. Mohamed successfully obtained the inclusion of the Muslim Personal Law in the new Constitution of Mauritius prior to the independence of the island.

1977: The Islamic Circle invited Muslim Jurists from Pakistan to draft the Muslim Personal Law bill. Judge Taqi Usmani, a Saudi jurist also participated in this exercise.

1981: Muslim Personal Law became applicable through the Civil Status Act 1981.

International Collaboration and Cooperation
At an international level, Quran House is an Associate Member of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). It has also established close relationship with other international Islamic bodies.

Throughout its history, Quran House has also welcomed several eminent scholars of the Islamic World, such as Mufti Menk, Prof. Dr. Tariq Ramadan, Dr. Anis Ahmad, Roger Garaudy, Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr.Abu Aminah Bilal Philips, Dr. Saleh Samarai and Dr. Suleiman Shamseldin, among others.

Quran House – Publications
Over the years, several books and booklets have been published in English and French. These include: ‘Recueils de Sourates Coranique’, ‘The Mosque and Muslim Women’, ‘Les Prophètes d'Allah’, ‘Muhammad (saw) Messager de Dieu’, ‘Intellectual Achievements of the Muslims’, ‘Sous le Charme de L’Islam’, ‘Biographie du Prophète (saw)’ etc. Several books have also been reprinted by Quran House such as Arabic Grammar, Arabic Learning Lessons, Droits et Devoirs de la Femme Musulmane, Children’s Picture Dictionary Arabic/English/French and English-Urdu, Entre L’Homme et son Coeur, etc.

Eminent scholars who pursued their Islamic studies through The Islamic Circle scholarships.
The first two students who were sponsored by the Islamic Circle to pursue their further Islamic studies abroad are the late Ustadh Parvez Kureemun and Imaam Dawoodjee Essackjee. Among other notable students sent to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are Swaley Mohun, Ahmad Fawzee, Fazilah Sheikally, Rassoolbie Sookye, Muslimah Mauthoor (Dawoodjee's wife), Yousouf Joomun, Mufti Meerun and Shafeeq Jumeen.